Qualogy congratulates bright minds!

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Qualogy is a strong believer that delivering ‘Quality in Information Technology’ starts with good education. That is why we support a number of projects aimed at stimulating education for the bright minds of our near future.

Doing so, we are proud to congratulate another two new rising stars: Gyan Bihariesingh and Priya Kasimbeg.

Gyan Bihariesingh helped win the First Move Project chess tournament for his school. His school gets to take home the desktop pc provided by Qualogy. We look forward to seeing him and the other students enter into the Student Excellence Award (SEA) Program of the Rotary Club Paramaribo Central in a couple of years from now.

And speaking of Student Exellence Awards; Priya Kasimbeg is the 2012 winner of this particular prestigious award. She was voted 'the best of the best' out of the nation's top 23 best graduates.

One week after the event 'The Most Excellent Student' went to America to study at New York University. Her main studies will be physics and computer science. So we are confident she will make good use of the Galaxy Tab sponsored by Qualogy.

Nilesh Bishesar
About the author Nilesh Bishesar

I work as a General Manager at Qualogy Caribbean. I like working with people, and that’s exactly what’s important in Suriname. People buy people first, you have to gain trust and establish a relationship before offering your services. The working atmosphere at Qualogy suits me, colleagues are important, but structure and deadlines too. In the next few years I want Qualogy to become market leader in Suriname.

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